Results for 'John C. Bilello'

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  1.  16
    Temperature dependence of micro-yielding and the transition to macro-strain for tungsten.John C. Bilello - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (159):583-598.
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  2. LANGUAGE John C. McGalliard.John C. McGalliard - 1941 - In Norman Foerster, John Calvin McGalliard, René Wellek, Austin Warren & Wilbur Schramm, Literary scholarship. Chapel Hill,: The University of North Carolina Press. pp. 33.
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    Rational Behaviour and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations.John C. Harsanyi - 1977 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a paperback edition of a major contribution to the field, first published in hard covers in 1977. The book outlines a general theory of rational behaviour consisting of individual decision theory, ethics, and game theory as its main branches. Decision theory deals with a rational pursuit of individual utility; ethics with a rational pursuit of the common interests of society; and game theory with an interaction of two or more rational individuals, each pursuing his own interests in a (...)
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    Should anyone say forever?: On making, keeping, and breaking commitments.John C. Haughey - 1975 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
    An important book, one that can truly be called seminal. --America In a popular, informal style, the Jesuit author of many theological books and articles explores the question of interpersonal commitments . . . His book should do much to clarify a great deal of muddy thinking on a critical issue. --Library Journal Haughey is not addressing one life-style, but is writing for all, since all of us are committed to someone or something. His book is carefully written and deserves (...)
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    Game Theory, Experience, Rationality: Foundations of Social Sciences, Economics and Ethics in honor of John C. Harsanyi.John C. Harsanyi, Werner Leinfellner & Eckehart Köhler - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    When von Neumann's and Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behavior appeared in 1944, one thought that a complete theory of strategic social behavior had appeared out of nowhere. However, game theory has, to this very day, remained a fast-growing assemblage of models which have gradually been united in a new social theory - a theory that is far from being completed even after recent advances in game theory, as evidenced by the work of the three Nobel Prize winners, (...) F. Nash, John C. Harsanyi, and Reinhard Selten. Two of them, Harsanyi and Selten, have contributed important articles to the present volume. This book leaves no doubt that the game-theoretical models are on the right track to becoming a respectable new theory, just like the great theories of the twentieth century originated from formerly separate models which merged in the course of decades. For social scientists, the age of great discover ies is not over. The recent advances of today's game theory surpass by far the results of traditional game theory. For example, modem game theory has a new empirical and social foundation, namely, societal experiences; this has changed its methods, its "rationality. " Morgenstern (I worked together with him for four years) dreamed of an encompassing theory of social behavior. With the inclusion of the concept of evolution in mathematical form, this dream will become true. Perhaps the new foundation will even lead to a new name, "conflict theory" instead of "game theory. (shrink)
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    An Overview of FDA, IRBs and Regulations.John C. Petricciani - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (10):1.
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  7. Sir John Hicks.John C. Wood (ed.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    Sir John Hicks is one of the most important and influential economists of the twentieth century. Awarded the Nobel Prize for economics in 1972, he has made contributions across a wide range of economic theory, writing some twenty books. Arguably the most important of these, _Value and Capital_, is seen as the roots of modern microeconomics and general equilibrium theory. Hicks possessed an unusual ability to synthesize the ideas of other economists – something that is evident in his invention (...)
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  8. Ephesians: Baptism and Pentecost. An Inquiry into the Structure and Purpose of the Epistle to the Ephesians.John C. Kirby - 1968
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    God and Possible Worlds.John C. Wingard - 2018 - Philosophia Christi 20 (1):139-154.
    In this essay I consider how God is related to possible worlds from a classically evangelical and Reformed perspective, contending that God’s essential perfections determine what is genuinely possible. I then consider briefly three views that take God to be a significant delimiter of possible worlds and offer some defense of one of those views, the view that there are many genuinely possible worlds that are equally and unsurpassably good and that God might have chosen to actualize. I conclude by (...)
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    Keeping Modern Man in Mind.John C. McCarthy - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (116):175-187.
    It is now a commonplace that premodern reflection, whether mythical, philosophical, or theological, was terminally “anthropomorphic,” given to the erroneous supposition that the human shape offers genuine insight into the shape of everything else.1 It is also commonly assumed that modern philosophy distinguishes itself from its precursors by placing the human being at the center of its concerns. Thus Kant, for example, claimed that the question “what is man?” recapitulates the whole of systematic philosophical inquiry.2 First impressions notwithstanding, these two (...)
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  11. Clumsy Construction in Mark's Gospel: A Critique of Form—and Redaktionsgeschichte.John C. Meagher - 1979
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    Potential Persons and Murder: A Reply to John Woods.John C. Moskop - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (2):307-316.
    In his book Engineered Death: Abortion, Suicide, Euthanasia and Senecide, John Woods uses an argument from analogy to establish the following conclusion: even if one grants that foetuses are not persons but only potential persons, killing foetuses is murder. Murder, according to Woods, is the defeasibly wrongful violation of the right to life ascribed to persons. If this argument is successful, it would of course have profound consequences for the ongoing philosophical debate over the morality of abortion. Whether or (...)
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  13. Inmadurez moral y comportamiento antiocial.John C. Gibbs - 2010 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 2:21-56.
    En primer lugar, este artículo ofrece una breve sinopsis del acervo disponible en el área del desarrollo moral, una visión que combina las contribuciones de Lawrence Kohlberg y de Martin L. Hoffman a esta área. Luego, reconociendo que para explicar el comportamiento moral se necesitan constructos o variables adicionales, se centra sobre los avances que yo y un buen número de colegas y colaboradores hemos alcanzado en cuanto a la comprensión y tratamiento del comportamiento antisocial en jóvenes. Esto incluye una (...)
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    Fire on the Earth: Anselm Kiefer and the Postmodern World.John C. Gilmour - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (2):164-165.
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    Consequences of utilitarianism.John C. Hall - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (2):8-10.
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    Sentimentalism, Interracial Romance, and Helen Hunt Jackson and Clorinda Matto de Turner’s Attacks on Abuses of Native Americans in Ramona and Aves sin nido.John C. Havard - 2007 - Intertexts 11 (2):101-121.
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    The Wonder of Being Human: Our Brain and Our Mind.John C. Eccles & Daniel N. Robinson - 1984 - Free Press.
    Traces the development of the human consciousness and argues that many scientific theories of human nature denigrate the value of humanity.
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    Proper Functionalism, Reliability, and Degrees of Epistemic Warrant.John C. Wingard - 1999 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):653-664.
  19. Self and the Father. Pt. I.John C. C. Clarke - 1898 - Chicago,: R. R. Donnelley & sons co..
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    Interrogating the Soliloquist: Does It Really Go without Saying?John C. Freeman - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):131-154.
  21. Le mystère humain.John C. Eccles - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):59-60.
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    Acts and omissions.John C. Hall - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 39 (157):399-408.
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    The fickle measuring instrument.John C. Baird - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):269-270.
  24.  19
    The effect of degree of shading contrast in ink blots on verbal response.John C. Balloch - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (2):120.
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    " Ad hoc" committees and human rights investigations: A comparative case study in the middle east.John C. Bender - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    The coherence of the double standard.John C. Bigelow & Alonso Church - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):212.
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  27. Why Lawyers Derail Justice: Probing the Roots of Legal Injustices.John C. Anderson - 1999
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  28. The experiencing self.John C. Eccles - 1969 - In John D. Roslansky & Ernan McMullin, The uniqueness of man. London,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 103--35.
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  29. A Retreat with the Psalms: Resources for Personal and Communal Prayer.John C. Endres & Elizabeth Liebert - 2001
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  30. Scrolls from Qumran Cave I.John C. Trever - 1972
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  31. The Untold Story of Qumran.John C. Trever - 1965
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    Private Prayer in the Ninth Century: Testimony from the Lothar Psalter.John C. Hirsh - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (5):816-822.
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    A philosophy of communication: explorations for a systematic model.John C. Kelly - 1981 - London, England: Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture.
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  34. Stephen Field: Frontier Justice or Justice on the Natural Rights Frontier.John C. Eastman & Timothy Sandefur - 2001 - Nexus 6:121.
  35. A cost analysis of staged and simultaneous bilateral carpal tunnel release.John C. Elfar, Mohab B. Foad, Susan L. Foad & Peter J. Stern - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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  36. Stäudlin, Carl Friedrich (1761–1826).John C. Laursen - 2000 - In Heiner Klemme, The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century British Philosophers (review). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 1122--1125.
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    (1 other version)Covering Hyperspace with Hypercurves.John C. Simms - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (25):393-400.
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  38. The Gambler's Fallacy - A Further Note.John C. Simopolous - 1954 - Analysis 15:94.
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  39. The Philosophical Brothel.John C. Welchman - 1996 - In Rethinking borders. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 160--86.
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  40. Bacon's third sailing: the Presocratic origins of modern philosophy.John C. McCarthy - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn, Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
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  41. Cardinal welfare, individualistic ethics, and interpersonal comparisons of utility.John C. Harsanyi - 1955 - Journal of Political Economy 63 (4):309--321.
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    What Are the Goals of Ethics Consultation? A Consensus Statement.John C. Fletcher & Mark Siegler - 1996 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 7 (2):122-126.
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    Predictors of Perceptions of Scientists: Comparing 2001 and 2012.John C. Besley - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (1-2):3-15.
    The 2001 and 2012 National Science Foundation surveys of public attitudes and knowledge about science were used to model perceptions of scientists and explore whether the predictors of such perceptions have changed over time. The available data indicate that the relative impact of the available predictors changed in only minor ways between the two time periods. Predictors of views about scientists include age, gender, and scientific knowledge, regardless of time period. Science museum attendance and primary source of science news were (...)
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    8 1/2.John C. Stubbs - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 9 (2):96.
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    Unlearning and relearning.John C. Abra & Dianne Roberts - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):334.
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    Nuruddin Farah – Tribalism, Orality, and Postcolonial Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Contemporary Somalia.John C. Hawley - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (3):189-205.
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    On the Proving of Causal Propostions.John C. Cahalan - 1967 - Modern Schoolman 44 (2):129-142.
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    Case Study: Openness and Secrecy in Computer Research.John C. Cherniavsky - 1985 - Science, Technology and Human Values 10 (2):99-103.
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    An experimental study of by-products of successive discrimination learning in the pigeon.John C. Damron & Kenneth R. Burstein - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (1):37-40.
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    Can the battle against climate change become an effective social movement?John C. Dernbach - 2011 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 11 (1):27-30.
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